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8.8 Generation of data tables

Only very simple tables are supported. The syntax is as follows.

     Double bars  || Separate header fields
     Single bars   | Separate body fields
     Here are more | body fields
     Triple bars ||| Separate footer fields

Some publishing styles require header fields to come first, then footer fields, and then the body fields. You can use any order for these sections that you like, and Muse will re-order them for you at publish-time.

If you wish to disable table generation for one Muse file, add the directive ‘#disable-tables t’ to the top of the file.

Other table formats

It is possible to publish very basic Orgtbl-mode style tables.

     | org  | style | table |
     | one  |       | one   |
     | two  | two   |       |
     |      | three | three |
     | more | stuff |       |

If you are used to the way that Org Mode publishes these tables, then customize `muse-html-table-attributes' to the following, in order to get a similar kind of output.

     border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides"

table.el style tables are also supported, as long as table.el itself supports outputting tables for a particular publishing style. At the time of this writing, the “html”, “latex”, and “docbook” styles are supported by table.el. Styles derived from these styles will also work.

     |   | one | 1 |
     | b | two |   |
     | c |     | 3 |