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12.2 gpg Tag

Enclose text that you want to encrypt/decrypt interactively in Emacs Wiki mode within these tags. Whitespace is preserved during publish via the <pre> tag.

M-x emacs-wiki-encrypt-gpg
Finds each gpg tag and encrypts the text between them using the chosen PGG interface see Interface to PGG. The resultant encrypted text is immediately visible in the buffer.
M-x emacs-wiki-decrypt-gpg
Finds each gpg tag and decrypts the text between them. The resultant decrypted text is immediately visible in the buffer.
C-u M-x emacs-wiki-encrypt-gpg
Encrypts the entire buffer using the chosen PGG interface. The resultant encrypted text is immediately visible in the buffer. The resultant wiki file is unsuitable for publishing. Use this with care.
C-u M-x emacs-wiki-decrypt-gpg
Decrypts the entire buffer. The resultant decrypted text is immediately visible.
C-c C-S-e
Calls emacs-wiki-encrypt-gpg.
C-c C-S-d
Calls emacs-wiki-decrypt-gpg.

Example: Consider the following wiki markup

     <gpg>Test data</gpg>

Press C-c C-S-e to get:

     <gpg>-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
     Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
     [Imagine encrypted text]
     -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

Now press C-c C-S-d to get:

     <gpg>Test data</gpg>