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9.8 Publishing LaTeX documents

This publishing style is capable of producing LaTeX or PDF documents.

If you wish to publish PDF documents, you will need to have a good LaTeX installation. For Debian and Ubuntu, this can be accomplished by installing the “tetex-bin” and “tetex-extra” packages. TeX fonts are also a must.

If your LaTeX installation has the file grffile.sty, which may be found in the texlive-latex-recommended package for Debian and Ubuntu, then consider using it by adding the following to your header file. This allows spaces in filenames to work.


Styles provided

Publish a LaTeX document.

Publish a PDF document, using an external LaTeX document conversion tool.

Publish a LaTeX document with CJK (Chinese) encodings.

Publish a PDF document with CJK (Chinese) encodings, using an external LaTeX document conversion tool.

Publish a LaTeX document that uses the Beamer extension. This is suitable for producing slides.

Here is an example of a slide.

          <slide title="First Slide">
          Everything between the slide tags composes this slide.
           - A bullet point.
           - Another bullet point.

Publish a PDF document of slides, using the Beamer extension.

Publish a LaTeX document that uses the Beamer extension. This is suitable for producing lecture notes.

This can also use the <slide> tag.

Publish a PDF document of lecture notes, using the Beamer extension.

Options provided

Default file extension for publishing LaTeX files.
Default file extension for publishing LaTeX files to PDF.
The program to use when browsing a published PDF file.

This should be a format string.

The program that is called to generate PDF content from LaTeX content.
Extensions of files to remove after generating PDF output successfully.
Header used for publishing LaTeX files.

This may be text or a filename.

Footer used for publishing LaTeX files.

This may be text or a filename.

Header used for publishing LaTeX files (CJK).

This may be text or a filename.

Footer used for publishing LaTeX files (CJK).

This may be text or a filename.

Header for publishing of slides using LaTeX.

This may be text or a filename.

You must have the Beamer extension for LaTeX installed for this to work.

Header publishing of lecture notes using LaTeX.

This may be text or a filename.

You must have the Beamer extension for LaTeX installed for this to work.

List of markup regexps for identifying regions in a Muse page.

For more on the structure of this list, See muse-publish-markup-regexps.

An alist of style types to custom functions for that kind of text.

For more on the structure of this list, See muse-publish-markup-functions.

Strings used for marking up text.

These cover the most basic kinds of markup, the handling of which differs little between the various styles.

A list of tag specifications, for specially marking up LaTeX slides.
An alist mapping emacs coding systems to appropriate CJK codings. Use the base name of the coding system (ie, without the -unix).
The default Emacs buffer encoding to use in published files.

This will be used if no special characters are found.

A table of characters which must be represented specially. These are applied to the entire document, sans already-escaped regions.
A table of characters which must be represented specially. These are applied to example> regions.

With the default interpretation of <example> regions, no specials need to be escaped.

A table of characters which must be represented specially. This applies to =monospaced text= and <code> regions.
A table of characters which must be represented specially. These are applied to URLs.
A table of characters which must be represented specially. These are applied to image filenames.
If nil, ignore <contents> tags. Otherwise, insert table of contents.

Most of the time, it is best to have a table of contents on the first page, with a new page immediately following. To make this work with documents published in both HTML and LaTeX, we need to ignore the <contents> tag.

If you don't agree with this, then set this option to non-nil, and it will do what you expect.