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7.7 Special Markups

For specially marking up Wiki text, XML-style tags are the best way to add custom markup to Emacs Wiki, which expects a closing tag and/or an optional set of attributes. This is easily accomplished by customizing this list of markup tags defined in emacs-wiki-markup-tags.

Here is a summary of the default tags. This also includes the dangerous tags listed in emacs-wiki-dangerous-tags, which may not be used by outsiders.

Please refer to document of emacs-wiki-markup-tags and emacs-wiki-dangerous-tags for detail infomation and customization instructions.


Protects against highlighting and wiki interpretation, and escapes any characters which have special meaning to the publishing format. For HTML, this means characters like '<' are escaped as HTML entities.


Like verbatim, but typesets in HTML using the <pre> tag, with class=example, so whitespace formatting is preserved.


Inhibits wiki markup, but does not do any escaping to the underlying publishing medium. Useful for embedding HTML, PHP, etc.


Typesets like a normal paragraph, but without word-wrapping. That is, whitespace is preserved.


Using the "url" attribute, you can specify that a page should redirect to another page. The remaining contents of the page will not be published. The optional "delay" attribute specifies how long to wait before redirecting.


When placed before a WikiLink, it will prevent that WikiLink from being treated as such. Good for names like DocBook.


Produces a compact table of contents for any section heading at the same level or lower than the next section header encountered. Optional "depth" attribute specifies how deep the table of contents should go.


Evaluate the region as a Lisp form, and displays the result. When highlighting, the `display' text property is used, preserving the underlying text. Turn off font-lock mode if you wish to edit it.


Pass the region to a command interpretor and insert the result, guarding it from any further expansion. Optional "file" attribute specifies the shell or interpretor to use. If none is given, and emacs-wiki-command-tag-file has not been configured, Eshell is used.

python, perl

Pass the region to the Python or Perl language interpretor, and insert the result.


Markup the region as C or C++ source code, using the c2html program, if available. Optional boolean attribute "numbered" will cause source lines to be numbered.

Note: If c2html is not available, the region will be converted to HTML friendly text (i.e., <> turns into &lt;&gt;), and placed in a <pre> block. In this case, line numbering is not available.


Insert bookmarks at the location of the tag from the given bookmarks file. Required attribute "file" specifies which file to read from, and the optional attribute "type" may be one of: adr (for Opera), lynx, msie, ns, xbel or xmlproc. The default type is "xbel". The optional attribute "folder" may be used to specify which folder (and its children) should be inserted.